By Bob Rudis (@hrbrmstr)
Sat 24 January 2015 | tags: blog, rstats, r, shiny, dashboard, -- (permalink)

Jay & I cover dashboards in Chapter 10 of Data-Driven Security (the book) but have barely mentioned them on the blog. That’s about to change with a new series on building dashboards using the all-new shinydashboard framework developed by RStudio. While we won’t duplicate the full content from the ...

By Bob Rudis (@hrbrmstr)
Mon 15 December 2014 | tags: blog, vis, excel, pie, bar, bar chart, chart, dashboard, -- (permalink)

As I was cruising through the RSS feeds this morning, I came across this post by Daniel Kennedy on the 451 Research blog that included this chart:

Now, 451 is my personal favorite industry research firm both as a data dude and as a former F100 executive. They’ve got ...