By Jay Jacobs (@jayjacobs)
Sun 15 June 2014 | tags: R, Video, Marx, -- (permalink)

Bob and I presented at Secure360 together back in May (the slides are available on our site). But during that presentation we played the last Marx video I built in the post titled, “Visualizing countries from the Marx data“. The reaction we got was completely unexpected and many people commented ...

By Jay Jacobs (@jayjacobs)
Wed 30 April 2014 | tags: R, video, Marx, -- (permalink)

Last month at the local R user group, I offered up the “marx” data we host on this site as a data challenge to the group. The data is quite fun to play with and is (I hope) relatively straight forward to understand, even for non-infosec folks. It’s just ...

By Jay Jacobs (@jayjacobs)
Mon 14 April 2014 | tags: R, video, -- (permalink)

Well over a year ago, I stumbled across “Mapping Bike Accidents in R” and was immediately taken in by the possibilities of creating videos from data. Since then I’ve done several videos, mostly just for fun. We also touched on the topic rather briefly in our book, and I ...