By Bob Rudis (@hrbrmstr)
Fri 29 August 2014 | tags: dns, tlds, dplyr, r, rstats, -- (permalink)

I saw this on Hacker News this morning and it got me curious as to how many other TLDs (e.g. .com) resolve to an address (i.e. https://uz./ displays a page in your browser since uz. resolves to This is quick work with R ...

By Bob Rudis (@hrbrmstr)
Fri 15 August 2014 | tags: r, rstats, valgrind, rcpp, dns, -- (permalink)

Thanks to a blog comment by @arj, I finally ran at least one of the new Rcpp-based through valgrind (resolv) and, sure enough there were a few memory leaks which are now fixed. However, I first ran valgind with a simple test R script that just did library(stats ...

By Jay Jacobs(@jayjacobs)
Mon 04 August 2014 | tags: r, rstats, dns, -- (permalink)

The R Language is really good at data and statistical analysis, but when it comes to working with information security data it has a few holes that need plugging up. Bob has been doing a couple of posts using Rcpp to do things like Basic DNS Lookups, TXT lookups, and ...

By Bob Rudis (@hrbrmstr)
Mon 04 August 2014 | tags: r, rstats, rcpp, dns, -- (permalink)

Back in April, we showed you how to use a C resolver library to make many different kinds of DNS lookups. More oft than not, such complete functionality is not necessary, but R still only provides nsl to get an IPv4 address of a given hostname, which is woefully inadequate ...