By Bob Rudis (@hrbrmstr)
Mon 11 January 2016
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We’re starting off the new year with two new ways to listen to the Data-Driven Security Podcast!
First, we have our own Overcast station fully loaded with the previous two seasons of shows. You can listen to them online right on or use their minimalist but highly functional app for iOS.
You can also find and add the podcast on TuneIn! It was crazy-cool to be able to tell the Amazon Echo: “Alexa, tune in to the Data-Driven Security podcast
” and have it actually work. You can also play it directly from the TuneIn site or with their Android & iOS apps.
We’re working hard to showcase great and useful work on the podcast and welcome topic requests. If you’re not crazy about Google Forms, just drop us a note on Twitter or long-form in e-mail Tell us about cool work you’re involved with or point us in the direction of other work you’ve found helpful or interesting.
In case you missed our holiday, “Tools” special, complete with “The Grinch Who Stole Data Science”, give it a listen below.
Data-Driven Security, The Book (which started this whole thing) is back in stock at Amazon (and other online booksellers). We received some complaints about poor-quality versions shipping in November/December 2015 but Wiley & Amazon have rectified the issue. If you were a recipient of a non-color copy of the printed version, please contact Bob or Jay for informaiton on how to get a color copy.
Both Jay & Bob will be hitting up various conferences this year and look forward to meeting listeners and readers.