Data Driven Security: The Podcast

A podast on the journey to discovery and decision making through data in information security by Bob Rudis and Jay Jacobs. In this bi-weekly show, Jay & Bob cover all levels and aspects of data analysis & visualization, plus speak with pioneers in the field of security data science and seasoned veterans in information security.

The show is a companion resource to Data Driven Security: The Book & Data Driven Security: The Blog

Data Driven Security - Episode 4

A podcast on the journey to discovery through data in information security by Jay Jacobs and Bob Rudis. Episode 4: Kymberlee Price

Episode 4

In this episode Bob & Jay talk with Kymberlee Price @kym_possible about her work with vulnerability data at BlackBerry and her real-life superheroic philanthropic work.

Resources / people featured in the episode:

  • One Spark Foundation - [FB]
  • Beading Divas (Greyhound and general animal welfare advocates)
  • Help Aidan Love Fight Cancer
  • Project Genesis (advocacy and support for victims of human trafficking, Seattle has the third highest rate of underage sex trafficking in the US)
  • Homeless shelters - no specific link - I mentioned the Seattle Tent City, but there are countless organizations in local communities worldwide that can use your help to prevent homelessness, and help those who are homeless.
  • Spots & Stripes Exotic Cat Sanctuary - [FB]
  • Hackers for Charity Johnny is such an amazing guy, I'm honored to call him my friend. He would tell you he isn't a superhero either. That is one of the things I love about all my inspirational friends. None of them do this for their ego or to promote their self image/social standing. They do it because they believe it is the right thing to do, and it makes them feel good to know they have made a difference for another person (or animal)
  • DataKind

In This Episode

Time IndexTitle
Welcome to Episode 4!
Inroducing Kymberlee Price
Kymberlee describes her talk from Metricon 9
Of "perfect data" and unicorns
Kymberlee's go-to "vunlerability" data sources
Third party library discovery
Making time for analysis
Kymberlee's go-to tools for analysis & communications
The importance of domain expertise
A real-life super-heroine!
Wrapping up
