Data Driven Security: The Podcast

A podast on the journey to discovery and decision making through data in information security by Bob Rudis and Jay Jacobs. In this bi-weekly show, Jay & Bob cover all levels and aspects of data analysis & visualization, plus speak with pioneers in the field of security data science and seasoned veterans in information security.

The show is a companion resource to Data Driven Security: The Book & Data Driven Security: The Blog

Data Driven Security - Episode 24

A podcast on the journey from data to discovery in security with Bob Rudis & Jay Jacobs. Episode 24: Teaching Data Science

Episode 24

In this episode, Bob & Jay talk to Charles Givre who has been doing training sessions for professionals trying to learn data science and recently did a training at a recent BlackHat event.

In This Episode

Time IndexTitle
Bob's got a new gig
Charles Givre
